Hunt JGL Architecture
Programming: Space planning, inventory of needs and wants, architectural style, loose schematic diagrams, early budget check.
Preliminary Design: Exploration of one or two concepts that meet your specific project description and scope of work.
Design Development: Upon client approval of a preliminary concept, we can make needed refinements to the design such as choosing a structural system; choosing a mechanical or HVAC system; or choosing energy / insulation systems.
Construction Drawings or Permit Drawings: We will provide detailed, fully dimensioned, builder-oriented drawings suitable for ease of construction as well as obtaining a building permit from the town of jurisdiction. A thorough review of the plans will ensure that the proposed work is in full compliance with the current New York State building code. As part of this phase we shall also provide a certification of energy compliance for your project.
Bidding Phase: We can recommend builders and assist customers in the selection of qualified bidders OR we can take a larger role and solicit, review, qualify, and negotiate bids for our customers .
Construction Observation: We can make periodic scheduled visits to the job site to ensure through observation that the construction is consistent with the plans we have prepared. We can also create a builder payment schedule based on percentage of work completed and materials delivered to help ensure that builder payment requests are actually commensurate with work completed.